More than ever before, this week has reminded me that there are few things more important than community. Love, yes, but also reality and fear, can be very binding things. The fear of losing a loved one or of losing everything you hold dear, coupled with the reality of finding out that structures built by hate include a side door with your name on it, can bring things eerily and quickly into focus. That’s what some of us call “real talk.” There you were thinking that it wouldn’t affect you because “they ain’t talkin’ ‘bout me,” only to turn around and find out that the calamity was made precisely for you. Wow… Ignorance is no longer bliss.
While I can’t confirm that we’re all in the same boat, I will admit that many of us are indeed in the same storm. We find ourselves in a community of people being tossed and turned about in a sea of hate. Who you choose to ride the waves with is up to you, but I know that I am a builder and not a destroyer. So, I will not be tossing anchors into other boats. I am about the business of linking arms. It’s the way I was designed; I will never apologize for that. If you don’t like it, take it up with my Maker.

On the topic of community, I am rethinking with whom I engage and how. This involves rethinking the apps I use and how they make me feel. Are they spaces that churn out chaos? Are they so hellbent on making money that they will spread lies and disinformation for profits? My peace of mind is paramount and so I need to be intentional about finding and/or creating safe spaces. Putting it bluntly, I don’t subscribe to bullshit, and I don’t reward bad behavior by giving it one moment of my time. Fictional chaos is the only kind I will tolerate. The Joker is my favorite villain, as long as he remains in the comics and movies. Once someone takes on that persona and enters this world, as a very wise candidate for POTUS once said, “Dude gotta go!” You mad? Hey, I don’t make the rules.

In the vein of sharing good vibes and safe spaces, I offer up this piece from The Download News that talks about a few of the best known Black social media apps. I feel like this is the time to elevate places where people like me are welcomed and celebrated. Contrary to popular belief, Black people are not known to tear people down, regardless of race and nationality. We celebrate authenticity and welcome everyone just as you are. We do not, however, tolerate toxicity, regardless of race. Since, all skin folk ain’t kinfolk, act accordingly. In the meantime, come together, pick your passion, and let live.
