Original Gullah Festival Family & Friends, THANK YOU!!! I am thankful for you, especially this year. 2020 has been painful for everyone, but you have pushed me to keep writing. I show up, because I feel a responsibility to keep reaching out to you, hoping that I inspire you as much as you inspire me. I am thankful for each sunrise, thankful for each smile, thankful for each bridge built to improve my personal, spiritual, and professional lives, and my communities. Additionally, I want to say a big THANK YOU for participating in this election season and turning out to vote!!! Congratulations for any part you played, even if your only act was to vote. Trust me, no action was too small. As you can see, EVERY VOTE COUNTS! So, please never diminish your voice or your vote. Be thankful that you can speak up and out when you see an injustice, and that you can speak (in most cases) without retaliation. When you can, always, always, always speak up and out for those who cannot. Thank you! Speaking up for others strengthens communities, and we know the old expression still holds true: it takes a village. Finally, I want you all to have a very safe and Happy Thanksgiving holiday! Enjoy your families as safely as you can. I highly recommend using Zoom, Google Meet, FaceTime, or whatever platform you feel will bring you and your loved ones closer together this weekend. Remember, it doesn't have to be anything fancy; you can make it fun. Try setting up a cooking Zoom, one that begins at midnight when the late-night chefs are checking on their turkeys. Or, create an early morning FaceTime for the cooks who never went to bed, and are about to hand over the kitchen to the dessert makers. How about a "Thankful" Google Meet, when you and your loved ones check in and talk about all the things for which you are thankful? These are just suggestions, but I hope that if you haven't made any plans, these will help inspire you to do something spontaneous. Again, stay safe and may I be the first to wish you Happy Holidays!! Kenyana Briscoe #GullahGriot